Just take a taxi

lizzie ewart-james
2 min readDec 5, 2022

Although the doctor suspects that Andrew has had the dreaded Norovirus, he is now clear and is allowed out which is good timing as we arrived in New York today. We decide not to go on a tour but to go to the Met (art gallery not opera) and we take a taxi. It costs a fortune and we are a bit worried our cash will not last the day. Not being of the generation that does everything by phone, we are hoping Andrew’s credit card works. Phew it does and we get in and go the Tudor exhibition. It is extremely crowded but the exhibition is impressive and although we have to queue for everything all goes well until we decide to make out way back to the ship.

Can we get a taxi….can we…..f***. Taxi driver after taxi driver say no when we say where we want to go. We go back into the Met to ask advice about how to get back across town. The information guy says don’t tell them where you want to go until you are in the cab as they are duty bound to take you by law. I suspect it is because they do better with lots of short trips than one long one. We climb into a yellow one — they are the official ones but again when we say where we want to go suddenly he is full of excuses……’I have to take my car to the garage and I only became a taxi driver a week ago so I don’t know New York well’. We see another one and Andrew gets out but I sit tight despite him trying to order me out of the taxi. Finally Andrew waves at me with a thumbs up and I get out and join him in the other cab. The driver takes us straight to the door, charges us half what the driver on the way there did…….so he gets a good tip.

